Dokumenta filmo kaj marĝena muziko

Cinema Documental e as Músicas das Margens 

Documentary film & the musical fringes

SONICA EKRANO is a documentary film festival dedicated to the music, musicians, sounds and movements at the edges of massification and popularity.

Dedicated solely to “other musics”, SONICA EKRANO allows access to exceptional films portraying artists, sounds, local and global movements, which often slip through the cracks of the wide variety of audiovisual media on offer in our present day - because history is still often created away from the spotlights of the media - in the present as in the past, where these histories sometimes lay dormant for decades until their (re)discovery.

The festival seeks to provide an opportunity to watch cinematic works which remain (even in an age of digital platforms with on-demand content) hard to access, contributing to an increased audiovisual inclusiveness, striving to present a diversity of geographies and striking a balance between historical perspective and contemporary narratives.

The name SONICA EKRANO, written in Esperanto (meaning “Sound Screen” in English), seeks to reflect both music and cinema as “universal languages”, while also honoring the strong esperantist tradition in the south bank of the Tagus river, particularly in Barreiro, which hosted the third edition of festival in 2023 between October 26th and November 04th.

Through the course of 19 sessions, divided between the Castello Lopes cinema in Forum Barreiro and the Cineclube do Barreiro, we presented as many feature-length films, all of which were made after 2020, over half of them being shown in Portugal for the very first time - with at least one premiere each day.

In 2024, Sonica Ekrano joined Music Film Festival Network, a network of film festivals with music as its central focus. The aim of this network is to promote the sharing of experiences and practices among the creative teams of the festivals, explore new forms of collaboration, and expand and diversify audiences.

Check out the previous year's programming, and stay tuned for more news in the near future.

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